General Care Discussion :: Need as much advice as I can get

Taking care of your turtle's overall health.

Post Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 5:20 pm   Need as much advice as I can get

My brother passed away 6 months ago he had an adult red belly cooter and 6 babies the babies we have in a tank and are thriving but the adult is outdoors I currently live in south Jersey I had a outdoor pond built for her for summer months now that winters approaching I’m not sure what to do I ordered a above ground pond pool for her to bring her indoors also not sure of what lighting she would need I currently am using a repti tuff 50 watt and a 5.0 uvb flourescent light for the babies what should I use for the adult also anyone have any suggestions what type of indoor pond heater to get for something that’s roughly 200 to 250 gallons? Any other advice greatly appreciate your help thanks so much
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Post Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:26 am   Re: Need as much advice as I can get

Hi, how big is the outdoor pond? Has she been kept outdoors previously? How big is the pool you ordered?

If she basks under the halogen and UVB lamp, I think you're fine. Make sure her food has some Calcium and Vitamin D3.

For heating, you can probably get away with 2 standard aquarium heaters. Some more details would be helpful.

The babies can be more difficult to care for. There are 2 different tanks?
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Post Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 1:44 pm   Re: Need as much advice as I can get

Her outdoor pond is about 250 to 300 gallons my brother rescued her from someone who didn’t want her anymore and was just going to realize her in wild.. I read they usually won’t be able to survive if they were in captivity.. the baby turtles are thriving they are doing wonderful growing and very healthy I’m concerned for her she’s a big girl my brother passed away and I took her to my home we had an outdoor pond built for her and she did wonderful out there all summer I live in south Jersey and it’s getting colder I don’t wanna really leave her to hibernate or whatever in the pond for winter can be dangerous and honestly don’t no if it’s deep or big enough and can have complications doing that I been doing a lot of research on northern red belly’s so we’re bringing her in for winter didn’t want to put her in a tank she’s very big so for winter months I got a above ground pool pond that is 150 gallons with a built on basking area that’s attached and also have basking area in the water as well for her and a completely dry basking area just need help with what type of bulbs I need to get for her and what’s a good wattage and what else do I need obviously a good filter and a pond heater not sure if she was kept outdoor during the winter or not before just need as much help and info u can provide
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Post Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:41 pm   Re: Need as much advice as I can get

If you don't want her to hibernate, then yes you will need to bring her indoors as the winter approaches. If she's willing to bask under the current light setup, then you're fine. You can also use a mercury vapor bulb, like Mega-Ray and you don't need 2 bulbs. Do keep in mind that you need to keep it further away from the turtle, you should not be near it (same goes the current uvb flourescent), and you need a light fixture that is rated for it (not a big expense).

For heating, you might want to look at Aqueon Pro and Hydor submersible heaters. What kind of material is the pool made of?
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Post Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2024 7:40 am   Re: Need as much advice as I can get

It’s an above ground pool pond like a heavy pvc when should I bring her in now? How cold is to cold to leave her out there
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Post Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:35 pm   Re: Need as much advice as I can get

If the water temps start to go below 65F, then I would bring her in then. If you use standard aquarium heaters, but some guards for them. They are basically a plastic covering with openings around it, and they are only cost a couple of dollars.
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