Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:28 pm Help needed! need to find a way to make this work
Hi, I'm new to the forum, and I am looking for some ideas on what to do on my situation.
I currently have 5 RES. I have 2 that are probably around 1 year old, 2 that are probably around 5 months old, and another one I just adopted (owner couldn't take care of it anymore) that is probably around 9 months old, so all pretty young.
I have the 2 baby ones in a small 5 gallon tank. they are both less than 1 1/2 inch in lenght.
I have the other 3 larger ones in an 80 gallon tank. Largest is almost 5 inches, middle is almost 4 inches, and the smaller one is about 3 inches.
I had them all indoors, however because I live in Guatemala City the weather is nice all year long, so I decided to take the tanks outside. I was treating my 3 inch turtle for fungus as she rarely basked (she is basking now). However I am running into the following issues:
-Glass I believe can warm up a lot. Weather can get as high as 82F/28C so it's not like they will boil and make turtle soup, but want to double check.
-Water is getting very murky now. In a week the water will get very green I assume from Algae forming because of the sun?
-basking area too small. I did not plan for this tank to be outdoors so in the little time I've had it outside I have put a bit of cardboard to protect their feet from the glass (used to have heat/UV lamp indoor) but I will need to find a long term solution.
-tank too small. Once the turtles grow a bit more, they will begin fighting (they push each other sometimes on the basking area already).
Any suggestions on how to improve my situation? I am attaching pics of the tanks I have and the backyard I could potentially use to build an outdoor pond.
- Attachments

