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How to protect pond plants from overzealous turtles

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2024 4:37 pm
by brea213
This is my second year with 5 RES in my 8000 gallon koi pond. This year they are destroying my lilies. I'm happy for them to eat the greens but they are killing the lilies. :( I have tried offering leafy greens but they are not interested. They take a bite and then spit it out.

Does anyone else have experience with protecting their plants? Also, what greens do you feed your RES? I saw a floating ball thing to put greens in, does anyone have experience with that?

Thanks for any advice you have. :)

Re: How to protect pond plants from overzealous turtles

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2024 9:12 pm
by steve
I'd try some other plants in there, and maybe some sort of physical barrier though I'm not sure if you want to go that route. I'm not sure if a floating ball would work, they usually like their greens stationary. So maybe some sort of feeding ring, though I don't think anyone has tried that just for greens.