This is Jadeite.
He's less than 6 months old, but growing fast! (I fear maybe too fast). The water is quite hard here but I treat it to remove chlorine and add some algae killer as well. Water temperature goes from 28 to 34 c (probably too warm) as I keep his aquarium on my balcony in the Bangkok sun. PH is kept at around 7.9. I've bought him a few plants to help keep the water healthy but he eats EVERYTHING. I also bought two guppies for him (he ate one, and I saved the other by giving it to a friend). I feed him ReptoMin pellets twice a day, along with a few mealworms a few times per week. I sometimes give him cooked chicken or pig liver and he LOOOOVVVVEEESSS it. Anyway I attached some photos for you guys to critique. He has some white marks on his carapace near the neck, and a few black spots on his plastron. Does he look healthy? I'm hoping it's from water hardness and not shell rot. Thanks! BTW if you're wondering where the turf went on his basking platform, he was trying to eat that too so I took it out XD