General Care Discussion :: So confused about eggs

Taking care of your turtle's overall health.

Post Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:29 pm   So confused about eggs

Long story short my turtles did the deed at least once. I thought my female had eggs and after waiting the approximate time I started putting her in a nesting box. Nothing happened. It’s been a month or so. I checked both my turtles and I feel like a marble between the tail and hind leg on both sides, both turtles. Obviously I know Squirt is the male so now I am just super confused. I wanna make sure I’m knowledgeable and attentive enough to avoid my female from binding. Please help.
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Post Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:28 am   Re: So confused about eggs

You've felt a bone. If you gently feel in front of the hind leg (the gap between the leg and shell... where they would tuck in their leg), that is where you might feel an egg. If it's been a month, I'd say you're in the clear (whew!). A main sign of being gravid is restlessness, so you would notice that first if it happens.
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Post Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:58 am   Re: So confused about eggs

Thank you, that helps a lot.
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Gender: Female

Post Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:56 pm   Re: So confused about eggs

It sounds like your turtles might not be ready to lay eggs yet. Keep an eye on them and ensure they have a proper nesting area. If you notice any unusual behavior, consult a vet. Wish u luck!
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