Hi, just to give a bit of a background..
I live in Vietnam, i was given a 1 month old Res turtle to look after and he is now 3 year old. It is not easy to find a vet here even harder to find a reptile vet so I'm looking for some advice please..
Wasabee has a very good appetite and is energetic, has good colour.
I have him in a 150gal with a above basking. He has a 150w exoterra uvb heat lamp, the large sunsun canister filter (5 basket) a hang filter with uv bulb. I test his water daily (nitrate, nitrite and pH) the nitrate is not perfect between 10 to 15ppm). He is fed Reptomin sticks, a small amount ( less than half his head) everyday. I remove his waste every morning by vacuum approx 2 gal and replace with 24-48 hours water.
I get him out everyday to exercise for 30mins after I give him a clean and place povidone on his wounds. He gets a mealworm as a treat probably a little too often, every second day. He doesn't eat veggies, so he is given aquarium plants. Floating lettuce and a few others that I checked were ok for him to eat. He has cuttlefish in his talk always for him to eat.
Water temples about 22 Celsius and basking between 30 and 35 c, the area is large enough for him to pick a spot.
I have been treating a wound approx 4mm on his shell for past 3 weeks plus a few white spots, but they do not appear to be getting better. i just don't know what else to do or if i should i be concerned.... I am looking for some advice.. fyi.. wound does not smell or seen any sign of blood it also doesn't look or feel soft, but that is hard to tell.