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RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:49 pm
by freakinloveturtles
My 14 year hold RES used to swim around more when food pellets are dropped and stimulus like finger against the glass. In the recent week, she's not responded so much. She does eat but it's a maybe 20% of what she usually does. The rest of the time she spends ~8 hours basking in the lights or resting in the partially submerged platform. Does this count as lethargic?

This is the first time she's not completely eaten the food dropped into the tank. When I look up "why is my turtle not eating", there's many reasons that come up and I'm not sure which one might be the cause so I'm basically trying all the things.

Things I'm trying now:
1. Water test strips: found high level of nitrate. I've started treatment with Tetra Balance Plus. Also 25% water change x2 this week. Cleaned the filter. I had a couple java ferns in the tank before too and just recently took them out in case they were causing the problem
2. Treating for shell rot - taking turtle out and cleaning shell with betadine everyday. Have been doing this for close to a week now. Interestingly, when she's out into a tub for betadine wipe and drying under the lamps, she's pretty active in clawing around. When I apply the betadine with a paper, pieces of shell sometimes comes off, is that normal shedding?
3. Added some feeder minnows - there's one site that said maybe she's bored of her food and she's reacted with excitement with live fish in the past so I thought I'd try that
4. Added 1 calcium block to the tank this week

Attached 2 photos in case the appearance helps with figuring out what might be bothering her



Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Re: RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:12 am
by steve
Usually its just the seasonal changes that are affecting their behavior and they could just be moody during this period. Things that I normally do if they're not acting as usual would be a full water change and filter cleaning. Trying different foods and treats is also a good idea. You might have to hold the minnow's tail and let your turtle "catch" it.

Re: RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 2:52 am
by freakinloveturtles
Thanks for the quick reply! I guess the water change will help with the nitrate situation too. I'm just worried I'm missing some longer term problem which is just now noticable like metabolic disease or infection. I dont see any mucus or wheezing though.

Re: RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 5:34 am
by steve
Is she getting enough UVB and calcium? Visually she looks fine, but would need further testing to rule out infections and diseases.

Re: RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 8:21 am
by Longhorn
Could she be gravid as well?

Re: RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:46 pm
by freakinloveturtles
For uvb and calcium, I just replaced the bulb (26W uvb 5) this week after learning that the strength decrease over time. Calcium, I put in one of those blocks this week as well. I'm sure effects aren't instantaneous so I'll have to be a bit more patient.

I tried Steve's suggestion of holding onto the food to give her an easier time. She took the minnow and kept it down. I tried it with pellets as well and she took them. Then she spit the pellets back out! Are they not tasty anymore? It's good that she hasn't completely lost appetite though

I really appreciate the helpfulness on this forum.

Re: RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 9:49 pm
by freakinloveturtles
I let her outside to roam and see if she shows any signs of nesting. She seems pretty active but not digging. Just walking about like she usually does.

Re: RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:02 am
by steve
She could just be bored and wanted a change... it happens with most RES at some point. Her calcium should come mostly from her diet, I wouldn't bother with those calcium blocks, especially if they are medicated.

How often do you take her out? You can gently feel for eggs, but if she hasn't exhibited any escape behavior in the tank, she's not likely gravid.

Re: RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:30 am
by freakinloveturtles
I have her out once every couple weeks. It's not always easy with the weather and air temp. I fed her in a shallow tub today with enough water for her to submerge and she ate a healthy serving of pellets after first eating a couple of minnows. I hope it's note related to her ability to swim and regulate floatation in the main tank (the pellets float and gets pushed around by the filter current).

Thanks for the tip about the calcium blocks!

Re: RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 12:09 am
by freakinloveturtles
Following up, she seems to be back to her old self. Swimming and feeding in her tank!

Re: RES less interested in food and stimulus than before

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 12:13 am
by steve
That's great to hear! Hopefully spring gets here soon and she can spend some more time outside.