Hello everyone.
I have a RES that is roughly around 20 yrs, don't really know the true age since we've had it for roughly 18-20 years but it wasn't small when we got it so figures there's some years prior. Another we had for 25 years but should be older than that as we also inherited it. The one we had longer was male and the other is female. Its is a 50 gal tank at about 75-80% filled using Fluval 406 filter with a basking area with UVB light and natural sunlight.
So today. coming home from work, I noticed that the neck area of the female RES is much worse than before, it was pinkish before but was ok a couple of days after. Movement and eating is not a problem. However there was blood upon closer inspection so I wiped it down with tissue, took it out and placed it somewhere else with a little bit of water to cover the body and put some . Unfortunately I can't take good pictures since she won't pop out her head. See images below.
So far, I have place it in clean water with some Kordon Rid Fungus drops, about 1/2 lid cup. Hours later, it seems to have gotten better but I took her out for 30 mins to get dry and the wound seems to have worsened, a redder and a bit of blood. I'm putting her back in the water now.
I also notice there's a bit of pinkish in the back where the bottom shell meets the skin. Should I be worried about it? I'm also wondering if she cut herself on her own shell?
As this has never happened before, should I take her to the vet? I have no idea what to do or what ointment to apply. Advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!