I'll keep all news regarding the site and forum here. There will be minor cosmetic changes as there are still a few areas I need to touch up and tweak. If there are any bugs, do not hesitate to e-mail me (redearslider@gmail.com) or send a PM.
The forum definitely looks better. Thanks for the upgrade.
I have a couple requests:
Previously, after I had visited the forum, all posts were marked as read even when I hadn't clicked on them. So, everytime I logged on, I only saw new posts marked. Now, posts are marked as read only if I've clicked on them. Is there a setting to get that old functionality back?
Can you add more text formatting tags like subscript and superscript to the BBcode?
Thanks for reading...
RES - Ramen <f> (51/4") RES - Heine <f> (43/4") Asian Leaf Turtle - unnamed <m> (53/4") measured at Nov 24, 2012 < my turtles' pics >
As for the other comment, I noticed it too and there is no setting though I personally prefer it. If you want to see just the new topics in a visit, go to this link: View new posts
Wow, this is really nice... I like it... great job Steve.
The only thing I've found a little difficulty with is following the thread from one response to the next. I feel like the contrast between one response and the other is too subtle and they seem to blend together... I've skipped a few answers that way thinking it was all one response. Does that make sense?
This is the main source of turtle awesomeness and care stuff. I <3 this site!!! You have done an extrodinary job and have put in sooooooooo much time, effort and (probably) money to make this site great. I and probably many of my fellow turtle talk followers everything you've done for this site steve!!!
RIP (December 25- February 3)Aqua RIP (December 8- February 4) Turquoise RIP 1 guinea pig- Maple Sugar RIP (idr-idk) 2 shrimp- Glutton & Dancer Triops longicadatus - Anthera