redearninjaturtles wrote:hi im new here, i just signed up on march 31. i think it would be kind of cool to know your turles names!
i have 2 baby turtles named:
Fat Albert
they are so cute, especially when they beg.
well i just registered and thought this could be fun so ill tell u i have a RES he is so awesome and he is a male by the way his name is Shadow since he is sort of darker and he has panther like spots on his shell how cute and when he sees me he does not beg he just swims to me even if i throw him food he is like about more two years and 8 to 9 months i got him in summer like two years ago on NYC at first i thought he wouldnt make it bcuz of what ived been told like a week after so i was alittle sad but for some reason he survived i got him alone he likes to play with me does not bite he was a an authentic turtle when i met him he was at the bottom he didnt like to go up with the other turtles there where like maybe more than 30 turtles in there and i thought it was a shame if i didnt get him so i did and now hes a happy turtle iam actually thinkin of adoptin a female for him of his age and gettin him a 55 gallon tank i want him to roam more so if i get a pic of him ill show ya'll he is so amazing he has brown eye lids which is weird for turtles and he is really dark except his she is olive green i hope i get replies