Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:22 am
Alright here we go...coming up with names has been hard! LOL
1 Squirt -res - son came up with that
2 Crunch- penn/red belly found in road and kids said he would have gone crunch
3 Jackie- res- came with the name
4 Chloe- ybs- came with the name but it's after one of the bratz dolls
5 Toy- sulcata- he looked like a wind up toy turtle when we got him
6 Beamer- res- kids named this one
7 Camo- res- shell pattern looks like camoflauge
8 Harley- ornate wood- got her the day before I went to bike week 1st time..she is black and orangish red
9 Tc- western painted, won him in the Turtle Club raffle hence turtle- T and club- c
10 Onyx- common musk- she's black like onyx
11 Spazz- res- very spastic turtle
12 Storm- melanistic slider- a hurricane was supposed to hit us when he had been shipped already
13 Tinker- striped mud- she's so tiny like a tinker toy
14 Vladameir- russian - just liked the name
15 Atlantis-res- my sons school is a NASA school and this one was a science project
16 Gemini- res- see number 15
17 Kameko- res- means son of turtle in Japanese
18 Ryoshi- res- Means hunter of fish in Japanese
19 Midori- Japanese pond- means green in Japanese
20 Honu- three toe box- means turtle in Hawian
21 Kobi- three toe box- means turtle in swahili
22 Jin- Japanese pond- named after the guy on Lost
23 Slytha- res- means rock in the Eragon book
24 Posiden- common musk- water god
25 Nala- sulcata- means queen in Africa
26 Thor- sulcata- came with the name
27 Ashur- black wood- means black in Irish
28 Adriana- black wood- another Irish name, just liked it
29 Isis- red belly cooter- another water god name {greek}
30 Rocky- sulcata- this one had to be a fighter to survive his past
31 Kryptonite- reeves- come on...superman, LOL
32 Winky- reeves- house elf from Harry Potter
32Dobby- New Guinnea snake neck- face looks like the elf from Harry Potter
33Einstien- Penn cooter- teeny baby was smart enough to get out of tank
34Yoshi- Miss map- needed a y name and we like it
34 Xanthus- ybs- means yellow in greek
35 Zelda- African helmeted-Kids again
36 Unnamed so far- Miss map- coming today!
37Howard- vietnamese pond- names for sons school- they were headstarting them for my friend but I got attached
38 Anna- vietnamese pond- they are annamensis so anna fit.
I think I am missing one or two somewhere but can't figure it out...let wander the house and check! LOL
11 res,2 Cooters,4 Sulcata,2 ybs,1 Ornate wood,2 Common musk,1 melanistic slider,1 striped mud,1 russian,2 japanese pond, 2 3 toe box, 2 Black Woods, 3 Vietnam pond, ,1 western painted,2 reeves,1new guinea snake neck,2 Miss maps, 1 African helmeted