I’m new to being a turtle parent, I have 2 cats & now a RES. Sheldon is at least 6 years old. We found him at my aunts when she died 4/2017. I had already decided to take her cat so I convinced my older brother to take Sheldon (who I determined to be a male RES thanks to google at that time). My brother died this past April (2022), I had a friend who was going to take him but I wound up bonding with the dude. My brother had him in a turtle tub & when I decided to keep him I upgraded to a 75 gallon aquarium (also easier to keep the cats away from him though honestly the water keeps them from getting too too curious). Over the last several months I’ve learned quite a bit. A few weeks ago Sheldon decided to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he was a male (turtle fanning is not something I was prepared for!!). All in all, he’s been a fantastic addition to my house. I never knew turtles were so funny & personable.