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Hi I am new here
Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:16 pm
by Michaelangela
I have read a bunch of post from people who have had a RES for over the standard 30 years. Good to see and know there are more long living RES. My Slider is 39 years old and still going strong. I am also glad to see that I am not the only person who feeds my Slider cat food. I seen a post, I think the Slider was named Toby who lived to 50 years and they fed him cat food. My turtle doesn't like the standard food so I did research in grade 5 and found that fish cat food and turtle food have virtually the same ingredients so I tried it and she has stayed growing strong for years. I got my Slider when I was 5 years old now I am 44 and she has been by my side the whole time. I have upgraded her tank a few times over the years, now she lives in a 100gl tank with her gold fish buddy's who are also long lived, they are about 8 years old right now. They were suppose to be food for her but she wasn't interested so they just became company for her. Btw I live in Canada so putting her in a outdoor pond is nothing really a option. But this large tank works great.
Re: Hi I am new here
Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:38 pm
by steve
Hi, welcome to the forum! While I would agree that a turtle could take cat food, it's not the best for them. There are a couple of brands that make a suitable staple diet for them (Mazuri, Omega One).
Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:38 pm
by Michaelangela
Hi I just joined your forum and left a post introducing myself and my 39 year old turtle (Michaelangela) I hope it has been received. I didn't leave a pic B4, because my file is considered to big for this. I guess I will have to convert it from a jpg. to a png. or something
Re: Hi I am new here
Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:32 pm
by Michaelangela
I have tried many brands plus raw and cooked shrimp and green leaf lettuce. I know the shrimp isn't good on a regular basis so that is just a treat for her but she doesn't take to anything else on a regular not even live fish... so I will have to stick to cat food. I actually found this sight because I was looking to see if anyone else had a slider as old as mine. I don't know anyone else so it's good to know this forum exists incase I ever have any questions. Unfortunately my phone isn't allowing me to add a photo, it's saying it's to big but won't give me a option to convert it. I wish I could tho..
Re: Michaelangela!
Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:33 pm
by steve
Hi! I've attached the photo of your Michaelangela! Welcome to the forum!
Re: Hi I am new here
Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:36 pm
by steve
I've added your photo. I think there might be an issue uploading pictures to the forum via a phone. There should be a handful of turtles around here as old as Michaelangela. Much of the conversations have gone over to our facebook group, but I make sure the forum is still active.
Re: Hi I am new here
Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:30 am
by Michaelangela
Thanks you