Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:16 pm Hi I am new here
I have read a bunch of post from people who have had a RES for over the standard 30 years. Good to see and know there are more long living RES. My Slider is 39 years old and still going strong. I am also glad to see that I am not the only person who feeds my Slider cat food. I seen a post, I think the Slider was named Toby who lived to 50 years and they fed him cat food. My turtle doesn't like the standard food so I did research in grade 5 and found that fish cat food and turtle food have virtually the same ingredients so I tried it and she has stayed growing strong for years. I got my Slider when I was 5 years old now I am 44 and she has been by my side the whole time. I have upgraded her tank a few times over the years, now she lives in a 100gl tank with her gold fish buddy's who are also long lived, they are about 8 years old right now. They were suppose to be food for her but she wasn't interested so they just became company for her. Btw I live in Canada so putting her in a outdoor pond is nothing really a option. But this large tank works great.